My Hopes For Blogging In 2020

As someone who has been blogging for almost 5 years now, the blogging landscape has changed quite a lot to be honest. When I first started blogging way back when, there would be blog chats every night, there would be so much interaction with your community that it made the blogging world one of the most incredible places to be.

Over the last few years, that landscape has changed, there are less blog chats but there are still so many ridiculously talented bloggers out there! I have so many high hopes for 2020 in the blogging world, and here they are.

1. More Diversity

I really want there to be more diversity in 2020, I feel like there are so many people out there who feel like they are not represented in the world, including the blogging world, and more inclusivity would really help. Especially when it comes to press trips, I feel like there are so many ways brands can be more diverse with the people that they choose for this.

2. More Fun & Less Pressure

Blogging at the end of the day is supposed to be fun, you are supposed to enjoy what you do, share the things you enjoy and that is the most important thing. There shouldn’t be this overwhelming pressure to pump out content all of the time. If you don’t feel inspired, honestly don’t do it. Your blog is amazing as it is, and it will be worth it in the long term when you post things that you’re passionate about.

3. Clear Labelling Of Ads

Even after all of these changes with the AD system on social media, people still feel they are unable to label it correctly. Now it isn’t everyone. It isn’t. There are quite a few people however, who still go to hide ad in the hashtags at the bottom. WHY?! If you have this amazing opportunity to work with a brand, be proud of that, put it at the beginning. If you have been gifted a product, put it clearly at the beginning. It really isn’t that hard if I’m honest.

4. The Year Blogs Take Over

Blogging has had an amazing few years, but I feel like YouTube has taken over a lot more, people watch videos more than they read blogs, and both are a lot of hard work. I feel like it needs to be recognised that blogging is an art form, It isn’t dying, it is your own personal platform. Unlike things like Instagram, you can post everything you love, it is your content and you own it. When it comes to Instagram you really don’t.

5. Quality Over Numbers

Now numbers really aren’t everything, and I think I have said this on a regular basis to be honest. The quality of your work is what is important. I’ve worked so bloody hard over the last 5 years to get my blog to where it is today, but I don’t have the hundreds of thousands of followers that others d, I don’t post as often to my Instagram or Twitter, because I’m regularly looking like a sleepy human that just wants to eat her dinner, have a shower and go to bed at 8pm. (Yes that is the beauty of being an adult.)

Hundreds of thousands of followers is great and all, but micro influencers, they are powerful. The content that I’ve seen from so many micro influencers this year, makes me so proud to be one, there is so much talent out there within the blogging community that I am just so freaking proud.

In 2020, I really hope there are few changes within the blogging community and the blogging world. Blogging is such an incredible thing to do, and I feel like the blogging world can only get better and better.

What are your hopes for 2020 in the blogging world?

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  • Blogging has changed so much over the past decade. I remember my very first blog, it was like having an incredibly tight knit community. There was constant interaction and so much support for one another. I’m not saying that blogging today is not as great, but it has certainly evolved and changed.

  • Sarah says:

    I have been trying to post a wider range of reviews rather than just make up and skincare. I enjoy reviewing food and clothes now too. It’s great to be diverse x

  • Avalon says:

    I think this was a wonderful posts and I totally agree that brands need to take more steps to diversify and widen their cultural reach. I also agree that there needs to be a slight change in blogger’s mindsets because while videos may be growing in popularity, nothing can truly replace the written word. We are all here with out own spheres of influence and we all have a place at the table, we just have to work hard to cultivate and keep our audiences.

    – Avalon from

  • Ells says:

    Love this! Especially having fun, because that’s what it should be all about, right? Blogging is an amazing opportunity and definitely underestimated! It’s hard when there are so many spammy sites out there, give us bloggers a bad name! Sounds like a great year ahead for you! 😀

  • Yes to more diversity! I’m so bored of seeing the same 5 slim white girls on press trips! x

  • Lindsey says:

    Yes, yes and yes to all of this! There definitely shouldn’t be the pressure – and I’m hoping next year is the year that I teach myself that it doesn’t matter if I miss a post slot or too if I can’t physically get something done for it. Like you, I’ve worked hard on my blog but am still in my neat little corner rather than always getting tons of views, and that’s okay. I love the idea of blogging taking back over in 2020 rather than youtube. Love this!

  • Maddie says:

    I love and agree with all of these goals! I’m definitely trying to feel less pressure with my blogging too so it’s nice to hear that from another blogger. Thanks for sharing your hopes!

  • Margarida says:

    I am with you and wish you all the best.

  • Heather says:

    great post! I agree blogging is an art. I love sharing the knowledge I have and it makes me feel so good when people tell me through the information I share, they are making changes in their lives.

  • Melissa Kacar says:

    I love this post! I really hope 2020 is the year blogging really takes off again and isn’t looked at as a dying platform, because it isn’t! I’m so happy I get to be a small part in such a talented community. I’m glad I found your blog this year, I always love reading your posts! Thanks for sharing! Happy Holidays! 🙂

  • Jaya Avendel says:

    Blogging really has evolved! I read an older book on blogging and got a good look at how the blogging world has changed. And, while there are many slipshod blogs out there, there are also those that shine because of their uniqueness and diversity. I want to see more individuality out there in the blogging world.

    Happy New Year!

  • Lucy Cole says:

    Love this. I’m putting more focus into my blog in 2020 just because it’s the most fun for me, and the least pressure! I’m really hoping 2020 will be the year of the blog too! X

  • Emily says:

    Completely agree with this, especially about hoping for more diversity in blogging! When bloggers go on press trips I always look to see who else has been invited, if it’s not diverse I make a decision about whether to interact with the content they’re producing. I also don’t think it takes a lot to acknowledge that their experiences as a thin, white, straight blogger are not going to be relatable for a lot of people. Fab post!

    Emily x

  • Alyssa says:

    It is amazing you have been blogging for so long. It is really interesting to read from your experience that YouTube is taking over, it is something I may dive into in 2020.
    Wishing you a wonderful 2020.
    The Sacred Space AP

  • Sian ryan says:

    Yesss to all this!! I want to see less pressure, more fun content!! (And definitely better labelled ads!!!)

  • Sian says:

    I bloody love this post Amie! I’ll have been blogging for 5 years on and off in April – and things have changed so much. I really miss all of the Twitter chats, they were such a good way to get to know people!
    Absolutely YES to more diversity & labelling Ads properly – that one is my pet peeve and I see it all the time still!
    Sian xo

  • heather says:

    I hope blogs take centre stage again – it’s all been instagram this year x

  • Aaliyah says:

    I agree with all of these! I’m definitely looking forward to next year but it would be nice to see if these changes happen. I would love blogging to become a little less stress free and more fun! And also diversity is a big issue that needs to be sorted! X

  • Lucy says:

    Blogging has changed so much since I started doing it and I’ve only been doing it for three years! I’m definitely going to put more into my blog this year and don’t focus so much on Instagram! x

    Lucy |

  • Ayse says:

    This is such a lovely blog post and I love it so much! I really do feel like blogging will take over in 2020 and it will be a place bloggers enjoy writing for and have more fun with it!

    Ayse x

  • These are such great goals! Especially the last one, I see so many amazing bloggers getting hardly any views and wonder how on earth they’re not more popular. I’d love to see more people shine in 2020. More diversity is definitely needed in this industry. I think sometimes because I follow a wide range of people I forget how underrepresented some demographics are in the bigger picture x


  • Nancy says:

    I love the things you’re looking for in 2020! I totally agree with these aspirations!

    Nancy ♥

  • Tiffany says:

    I really enjoyed reading this post. I am brand new to blogging so I love getting a glimpse of someone’s perspective who has been blogging for as long as you have. It prepares me in a way, helps me to be realistic in my goals. I have to remind myself that even if I am not able to make a living doing this, I get to share a piece of my soul. If I’m lucky I will make a difference in at least one person’s life, and all will be worth it.

  • Yasmin says:

    I love all these points! Best of luck with blogging in 2020! x

  • Yasmin says:

    love all these points, we defo need more diversity!!

  • Allie Mackin says:

    Yes blogging is challenging these days thats for sure. Andy Warhol was quite the fortune teller when he said in the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. It is harder to stand out now as it is not just other bloggers but anyone with a phone and IG account which is you know, the entire globe.

    I feel like blogging is like a micro experiment of what is happing in the world and society at large where very few companies control everything and are also wiping out jobs and livelihoods. Not a good recipe for a sustainable future.

    Yes there does indeed need to me more diversity. It still is pretty much the same as when it comes to who brands like to work with. But I do feel this changing a bit.

    But with the intrusion of social media who knows what the future of blogging will be. First social media destroyed the magazine/publishing industry which employed a lot of people. Now it is set to wipe out blogs a more independent way to earn a living. So I guess we will see…

    On a happier note, you have a great blog here and yes it takes time, skill and talent to create and maintain a great blog.

    Allie of

  • Teresa says:

    I can 100% agree with every single point you’re making. Especially with the point that the time of blogs is far from over: blogs are here to answer to all questions anyone could ever come up with, whereas Youtube videos are largely watched for entertainment. Have a Happy New Year!

  • Chloe says:

    Those are some really achievable hopes for you blog in 2020. It’s mad how much pressure us bloggers put on ourselves. Wishing you the best in 2020 x

  • Beth says:

    Loved this post! Your whole blog is so cute and asthetically pleasing! Happy new year – themakeupbybeth.

  • Ney says:

    Amazing post and I agree with all the points you made! I’ve only been blogging for 6 months but the number and pressure to keep pushing out content can be a bit draining. So this week (since it’s New Year’s) I’m just take a step back to gather my thoughts and come back reenergized for 2020.

  • Emily says:

    I love these hopes for blogging! I agree with you about bloggers vs. Youtubers. I wish bloggers got just as much attention and support as Youtubers do. Not that I’m saying being on Youtube isn’t hard, but I feel like blogs can be so personal and there can be more of an art in the writing and the way each individual blogger expresses themselves. Plus, I’d love for bloggers to get the recognition that Youtubers do too!

    And I agree that blogging should be fun! Even if it is your full time job (those lucky bloggers!), people should still be thinking of it as fun. Isn’t that why we all started in the first place, anyway?

    I loved all of your points! I hope they all come true in 2020!

    Emily |

  • Lindsey says:

    This post was a great read. I truly do think hope that blogging becomes bigger in 202 and is recognized as its own great social platform.

  • Definitely agree with quality over numbers – it’s something most bloggers aspire to but we all secretly want the likes and comments to soar! But there’s still a chance for the quality of the writing to be the most important thing. Great post.

  • Sumedha says:

    These are awesome goals, and I wish you all the luck with them! My goals mainly lie with consistency, quality, and catching up the backlog of reviews I have to write.

  • sophiemalory says:

    Great post! As someone who has flirted with blogging over the past…don’t know, six years maybe, I definitely feel the more fun, less pressure hope. It’s quite hard when you see so many posts about content, growing your audience etc.

  • Lady Writes says:

    Your content is always true to your heart and that’s why I love reading it x

  • Abi Howard says:

    I agree with all of this to be honest, but I really resonate with going back to bloggers and influencers putting energy into their blogs – rather than Instagram for example. I do need to work on my photography as honestly, it’s just a bit crap, but I started my blog because I love to write not tak pictures!

    Abi |

  • Thebusyshelf says:

    I love your list! I’ve had a very difficult year so far, I got left with very little time on my hands and I also started a blog in Romanian, my native language. I started getting really anxious about how I couldn’t post as much, how my numbers were dropping, how this and that… then I took a step back and reminded myself that actually, at the core, this is a hobby and I should enjoy it… so I started focusing on quality and kept it fun.

    So yes, a very healthy and encouraging list you have there 🙂

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