Good Bodies Comes In All Shapes And Sizes

This post has actually been inspired by a conversation I had overheard while shopping that broke my heart to be honest. We all know the immense pressure that are put under a lot of people both male and female to look a certain way, especially though print and social media, it can be incredibly difficult for people to feel like they’re represented. The magazines that can photoshop out a persons spots or cellulite with a click of a button, feeling represented is tough. While doing my food shop a young girl asked the person they were with while looking at a magazine, why don’t I look like that?

Honestly that broke my heart, she was a beautiful person, probably no older than my little cousin and it honestly got me thinking, was I like that back then? A teenager who thought that there was a right or wrong way to look, and I thought yes I did! Now when I was a teen at school we didn’t have Instagram, we had Facebook, Twitter sometimes and Bebo.Β  so our pressures mainly came from magazines or movies.

Even as an adult though I feel like there is still an incredible amount of pressure on everyone to be skinny, have curves and have flawless skin. Even for guys there is a pressure to have the muscles and all that, it’s just exhausting!

The photos we see online or in magazines are literally just a snapshot in time, it isn’t always the reality. You see the photo I used today for my blog post, the reality isn’t always like that photo. For example I’m currently writing a blog post with a box of tissues, no make up, my glasses on, painkillers by my side and a Rudolph nose.

I’m always the kind of person that is very quick to compliment others on how amazing they look, how fabulous the photos of them are but when I look at photos of my self I am so quick to put myself down, I’m quick to comment and focus on the things that I don’t like about my body rather that anything positive.Β 

Onto the point I am attempting to make, as long as you’re happy and healthy, you’re looking after your body, you have a good and beautiful body already.

Good bodies come in all shapes and sizes. The number on your clothes, whether you have curves, abs, lumps or bumps learning to love yourself and your body is incredibly important.

So what is the way forward for loving our bodies and being kinder to ourselves?

Treat your body like a friend, I am doing this more and noticing such a difference. The thing I always tell myself when I’m about to be negative is would you say that to a friend? To a loved one? Someone you cared about?

We only get one body, love your body, care for your body, treat your body like your best friend, when you see photos in a magazine, appreciate how gorgeous the photos are, but try to not let those photos influence the way you feel about your body or make you feel like you need to change the way you look. Your body is incredible. Your worth isn’t determined by a number on your clothes or on a scale.

We aren’t always going to feel 100% positive about ourselves everyday, but don’t put yourself down, you’re gorgeous.

There are so many incredible body positive people within the blogging community including Lottie L’amour and Megan Jayne Crabbe aka Body Posi Panda they’re literally such incredible queens of body positivity!

What are your favourite body positive influences? Let me know in the comments!

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  • Rebecca Greenway says:

    Great post and so helpful ❀

  • Rosie says:

    This subject is very close to my heart. I spoke to my mum recently about the pressures of life, how I feel and how I want to feel and she mirrored my thoughts exactly! We need to try to make a change and love ourselves!

    • says:

      Exactly, loving ourselves is the most important we can do for ourselves is love ourselves! I’m trying to take small steps towards self love everyday! Here if you need anything! xxx

  • Agh I can’t think about this topic too much because it seriously triggers my low self-esteem (I actually had a bit of a breakdown the other night about it so still trying to recover from that) but that’s seriously sad what you heard that girl say. Girls and boys are getting younger and younger to notice these things and it’s so upsetting.

    • says:

      Oh darling, I am so sorry! I’m always here if you need anything my angel! xxxx

  • kirsty says:

    Aime you are stunning and as a curve girl, I totally agree! xxxx

    • says:

      Thank you so much angel! You’re honestly my blogging inspiration! xxxx

  • Cat says:

    I agree with everything in this post!
    It’s heartbreaking that people feel this way as teens, or anyone does at any age. I think the message is coming out slowly but surely through social media but not making enough impact yet on sending the message that we should love ourselves the way we are and be who we are despite a number. That what we see in magazines is an unrealistic expectation of how men and women should look. I’m just not sure why magazines aren’t showing real men and women who aren’t photoshopped to the max. And VARIETY. Show me women from all over the world of all shapes and sizes please! With and without make up. If I saw more of this, I’d buy magazines again.

    I love that you wrote about this. Thank you for sharing xx

    Cat |

    • says:

      Thank you so much angel! I am the same as you, I want to see people from everywhere with and without make up, of all shapes and sizes, backgrounds, everything! I feel like people would relate more and buy more! xxxx

  • Erin says:

    I have terrible body confidence, so terrible. I love how you have so much confidence in your body and I wish I could feel the same. But I do love your comment about treating it like a friend, I need to start doing this!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

    • says:

      I think it is an important step forward because if you treat your body like your friend it helps you to be kinder to yourself! xxxx

  • I really, really adore this blog post! I hated my body for such a long time that I’ve thankfully fallen in love with it and it’s given me so much more confidence now that I accept myself. Thank you for sharing 🌸✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie x |

    • says:

      Thank you so much angel! I really appreciate it! I love the way that you have said you’ve fallen in love with yourself again and you have so much confidence xxxx

  • Yasmina says:

    This post is so super helpful! I’m rubbish when it comes to feeling confident about myself and my body but you have helped so much! πŸ™‚ xx

    Yasmina | The July Journal

    • says:

      I totally know what you mean angel! It’s bloody awful but one step at a time, you will get there! xxxx

  • Sian says:

    I’ve written a post very similar to this one recently to go up next week – great minds!!

    You’re so right – it’s so easy to feel influenced by what we see, especially now when we’re constantly on social media and YouTube etc. My body confidence fluctuates so much even on a daily basis, and it’s hard sometimes to remember that your worth isn’t based on the physical aspects xo

    Sian |

    • says:

      Great minds think alike angel! Can’t wait to read your blog post! I’m just trying to do my thing, do what is best for me and feel like I can appreciate my body more everyday, even if self love is hard! xxxx

  • Amy says:

    That’s great advice, treat your body like your best friend. I’ll try to do that more often!

    • says:

      It definitely helps to be honest,, if we all treated our bodies like our best friends we would be kinder to ourselves! xxx

  • Harley says:

    I really love the positivity of this post, Amie. It’s so sad that young girls in our society are forced to feel that they’re never enough. Thank you so much for sharing.

    With love,

    • says:

      I totally agree, I think it is important for everyone to love their bodies, regardless of size, you’re beautiful inside and out xxxx

  • Lucy Freeman says:

    I absolutely love this post. I agree with you.. healthy body is the best body regardless of size. Breaks my heart too when I see things or throw away comments being made. Only takes one comment to change someone’s mindset. (I know this from experience when I was called chubby…it was a joke but it stuck with me) even my wedding photos I criticised because of anything and everything. Xxxxxx

    • says:

      I don’t think people realise how much of an impact comments can have on a person, yes words are just words but they do bloody hurt! xxxx

  • Tyas says:

    I really love this post, thank you for sharing, Amie! πŸ’– I sometimes look at some girls on Instagram and say to myself, “Why am I not as pretty as they are?” and such but then I realize that I’m not them, I am me, and this body is what I should be grateful of having and that I should love it. ❀

    • says:

      Thank you so much angel, I know what you mean and it is so hard, but honestly you’re beautiful inside and out! xxxxx

  • ellie says:

    This is such a beautiful post, you have an amazing attitude! Thank you for sharing this positivity x

    My recent post:

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